Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lucky Number 7

Yesterday was a big day in our house.

Because Mr. Danny turned 7.

On Friday, I brought a birthday lunch to Mr. Danny at school.  His choice? 

 Subway.  Good choice, Danny.

Then we went to recess.  And I got to watch Mr. Danny play soccer with his friends.
I was not allowed to play, but I was allowed to watch.
(I kicked the ball once and Danny let me know that the Mom's come to watch, not to play. 
He was polite when he told me to stand over by his teacher, please.)

And my heart was happy as I watched my Danny run the entire 20 minutes in the Nebraska wind.

Yesterday we had donuts, went to see The Lorax in 3D and had a Shrimp Dinner. 

All because we are lucky enough to watch this guy blow out his candles in Skittle topped cupcakes.

Seven is supposed to be a lucky number.  It's also the most magical, according to Harry Potter.

But, to me, watching Mr. Danny be seven is the best of all.

We love you, Danny!!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. hooray for danny!! he's my fav nephew who's name starts with a "d". and i love the harry potter reference. can't get much better!
